We’ve all been caught off guard by a storm at one time or another! As many of you know I am in Florida for awhile. We are enjoying the warmth and sunshine, but the reality is that there are storms EVERY WHERE and in EVERY one of our lives in one form or another. That is the reality of life…change is inevitable.
Yesterday we really wanted to get out to the beach to walk, but all morning we had one thing after another happen and we were stuck inside viewing that sunshine out there with envy in our hearts…and by afternoon showers had moved in! BUT…as with life, the sun came out again and so off we went to walk the beach. The bright sunny skies over the beautiful blue gulf waters are stunning…with black clouds behind us. Just like LIFE.
We walked in peaceful bliss…until it started to rain. It was not a storm. Our first instinct was to turn back. “Wait,” I said, “Why? What happens if we get wet?” We would get wet the same as if we dove into the ocean water to swim! We get WET. Maybe there is something useful in allowing ourselves to get wet. What would we miss?
In LIFE’s storms, how often do we simply want to TURN BACK? That’s the human side of ourselves wanting things to stay the same. Our over active mind shouts one negative message after another. The fact remains, we don’t WANT to get wet; or hurt, or sad. We don’t WANT life to change…and yet, what possibilities lie ahead? The soul side of us sees the greater picture and if we can somehow react from our soul’s agenda, we would enjoy the ride during storms in much greater joy.
I know that our thoughts create our reality, but it sometimes helps us to remember that it is not just a “concept” in thinking…there IS a way to help ourselves become the JOY we seek even while riding through a storm where circumstances may not be able to be changed. There is that sun waiting to emerge that CAN produce a rainbow. But, in real life we might be the creator of that sun AND the rainbow.
“There is Spiritual Power in Man’s Word” ~ Pharamahansa Yogananda
There are times when a person’s words in a book help me to express what I already know deep in my soul. I am paraphrasing and rewriting in my own words thoughts created through Yogananda’s writing.
Spoken words are sounds created by the vibrations of thought. These vibrational thoughts are either sent by the ego or by the soul. Every word we utter could be a tightly woven combination of both the ego and the soul. Our words are lifeless if we fail to infuse them with spiritual force…the source of love, joy, peace and harmony.
“Words saturated with sincerity, conviction, faith, and intuition are like highly explosive vibration bombs, which, when set, shatter the rocks of difficulties and create the change desired.”
I loved Yogananda’s example of explosive vibration bombs! I have felt those, I know the concept to be true. These experiences bring health into an otherwise dis~ease producing environment within our bodies. During storms, we might not be able to explode a huge rock, but we CAN shatter pebbles that might be blocking our pathway to find solutions, new ways of thinking, and put a smile on our face.
Our emotions are a direct result of our thoughts about them. I know that sounds like an odd statement. But, in reality our awareness of what we are thinking changes what we are saying and doing. Here is an example. Do you catch yourself thinking or saying, “I deserve to be upset and angry, look at what just happened!” And then of course the loop of internal negative thinking keeps going. You just set yourself up to BE upset. A far greater response would be, ” I deserve to be happy, now this is what I plan to change.” Can you feel the difference? I’m pretty sure your body felt it!
Nothing is greater than the mind of God…built right inside of YOU. To access this part of our consciousness, it is very helpful to slow down. Even if meditation times run short, a simple stop really works. When you catch yourself in a negative loop of thinking, STOP. Laugh at yourself (don’t guilt yourself) and say, thank you for noticing. I usually then utter the words to myself or out loud, love is greater! Touch your heart to access the deep seated self love that will emerge along with a smile.
“Your body is an instrument…a perfect gauge of your internal state. Use it to your benefit. When life is stormy, send calming thoughts. Look not outside and blame the wind, but go inside and be the cause of your calm. It is always a choice.” ~ Suzanne Giesemann Aug. 6 ~ Love Beyond Words.
Thank you Terry for sending out this great reminder of the power that exists within us to change our perspective and reap the rewards. I pray for these truths to really become embedded in my heart so that I will live and love better. Keep shining your beautiful light on us please!
Thank you so much Karen for your kind thoughts! We are all on that same journey of learning to live and love better. It is always a beautiful treat to hear from our readers…thank you for letting us know your thoughts!
Always so encouraging & enlightening! Hello to Marj!
Thank you so much Kathleen! We love hearing from our readers and YES…Marj will be in here soon to say hello herself! Love & Hugs from both of us.