Dream BIG!
It’s such a gray and dark January morning. Here I am searching for signs of brightness to light my morning. The early hours of the day are lit with candlelight…that beautiful glow that simply “reminds” me that my own inner light is always lit. I somehow found comfort in the white layer of snow outside as the first light began to overtake the sky. It was still gray and dark but, the white is simply a reminder of that whole spectrum of colors that are in the spectrum of white light…and of course memories came flooding in. YES, I can DREAM BIG!
During my NDE I think I was more focused on landscape. I was in awe that I had a 360 degree view of it, all at once without any movement on my part because in essence I had no body. Light BEINGS were everywhere. They too were emanating beautiful color. It has taken me a very long time processing in this human brain to realize that each and every one of the light BEINGS was totally unique. It didn’t occur to me. Perhaps the reason I didn’t focus on that is because I knew the concept at the time…so much KNOWING was just simply there.
This morning I had a knowing that my LIFE here is exactly where I am meant to be…existing in my body with all of its non perfection and temporary state of BEING. Self care IS self LOVE and I needed a big dose of LOVE. Self love care for healing IS dreaming big.
I began looking around my sunporch and I decided to look for the colors around me that make up that beautiful spectrum of white light. Amazing exercise.
I found brilliant red in the poinsettia plant bringing JOY.
I searched for orange…perhaps PEACE was hiding at the moment. So I went to the kitchen and pulled out an orange to refresh my body allowing peace to emerge from the inside.
I found yellow in a plant blossoming on my porch bringing STRENGTH knowing it is surviving inside after being outside all summer.
I found green everywhere on every plant bringing COURAGE. I was lightly tapping on my heart center to activate the frequency of love through every cell.
I found blue on three books with the word healing in the title bringing GRATITUDE for the sliver of understanding I have gained.
I experienced indigo as I closed my eyes warming my heart through HUMILITY allowing my mind to stay in the present moment.
I wrapped a violet blanket around me reminding me of the warmth of DIVINE LOVE that lives within us, around us, and in every cell of our bodies. I smelled violet through the fragrance of a beautiful hyacinth given to me by a special friend! It touched my soul.
WHITE was all around me inside and out reminding me that LOVE is in everything and everyone. I remember so vividly that the huge, brilliant, crystalline WHITE light that I was enveloped in during my NDE was also full of the most spectacular colors!
The sight and SOUNDS of these colors swirled around me as I listened to a short video of Dr. Joe Dispenza reminding me how we activate the Pineal Gland* (connecting the third eye with the base of the brain) through breath control. I learned this technique years ago. It showed up at the moment I needed it. After listening, I enhanced the experience by using ear phones to connect to higher frequencies available through meditations on You Tube using the breathing technique Dr. Joe reminded me to use. It was one of those amazing moments of finding just the right thing at the right moment.
I was able to simply surrender to what is and totally LET GO of the outcome through 40 minutes of self care! I knew it would activate the healer within me ( So well taught in Reconnective Healing) to help my journey to rid my body of COVID.
YES…I guess it is my turn!
Knowing I could dream BIG, I visualized myself absorbed into that amazing unconditional love that evokes every feeling we can possibly hold within us. But, as many of you remember from our book, The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence, LETTING GO was a key ingredient to healing myself when I certainly had a MUCH larger challenge than COVID. I know I will be fine and all will be well in its own time frame. In the mean time, I can smile and simply BE…TRUST takes away any fear.
You probably already guessed from the beginning that I was sharing a healing technique to add to your own tool box that might help you someday for whatever you are dealing with in your life. If you are interested in hearing Dr. Joe Dispenza describe this process, it is a 13 minute video complete with stunning photos to help you understand the science. Here is the title of it. If you click on the title, it will take you to the video.
There are MANY types of meditation music available everywhere. If you are looking through free YouTube ~ you have to live through a short add, but then just click on skip adds and it begins. Some run for as long as 3 hours, but picking one that is just right for you is best. I don’t always need music, but when I am not feeling up to par, it sure helps me!
Dream BIG!
- Reminder: The Pineal Gland is made up of crystals. When activated they are like your antenna to connect and experience that spiritual realm of existence. DREAM BIG!