Intuition for Optimal Health… YOU can do it!

GOD is sending us messages. The TRUTH of that statement is written into every Divine text. The Bible let’s us know that God is within us. Jesus modeled “listening” for us. But, do we comprehend what that really means for our daily lives. The spirit world is right around us, God’s helpers if you want to think of it that way. Breathe in life giving air, feel their presence in your life, and you will realize God has given us a true GIFT. Belief is a key factor. During my NDE, I merged with God in LIGHT beyond our earthly abilities to comprehend such amazing love. Health is a key to our happiness and yet every one of us struggles to maintain it! Healing messages are shared with all people through spirit.

“Health is inner peace wrapped in pure love.”

from The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence  p. 177

My NDE message wrapped in pure LIGHT: Love yourself as God loves YOU. Your body won’t be perfect, love it anyway! But, we were given a gift of total radar and the gift of help through God and spirit every step of the way!

Do you realize that our bodies are always speaking and sending us messages? The human body is a pretty decent barometer for what is going on in our lives. We’ve all heard the term, body language. We use our intuition to read other people’s “body language” which is usually related to emotions in them. Just watch the body and face of a young mother who has a toddler throwing a tantrum in a store, you can READ those emotions. Or think of the many times you’ve avoided a loved one because their body is showing you “their mood”.

Turn the idea around to your own body. Remember your body has God right in it! What a gift it is when we really tune into our own body language. So much can be revealed to us when we “listen” to the language of our using all of our senses. Perhaps you’ve only experienced letting others interpret the   language for you…a well meaning friend or even your own physician. Most of us were brought up to believe doctors were the only ones who “should” or “could” make us well. But, perhaps we can prevent disease from settling in our bodies if we open a new channel ~ your mind, heart and “gut” intelligence. Think of yourself as a TV that has to turn to the correct channel to not only hear, but FEEL with understanding.

It all has to begin with tuning into this type of communication. We have to take TIME to notice. Our bodies react to outside stimulus ~ excitement, nervousness, anxiety, fear, and love to name only a few you are already familiar with. Your body has an amazing ability to let you know its condition as well as give you signals or messages early enough to take action. Add your ability to go within to hear your soul talking to you, and YOU will begin to hear important information about your body.

I usually begin my day with a yoga meditation.  I am doing soft yoga with movements that stretch all parts of my body and yet AGREE with needs that are unique to me. I believe deep breathing is critical to good health.  I add energy techniques to move and manipulate energy through my chakras (core of the body which are pathways for energy). I am doing a daily inventory of how each part of my body is feeling.

Next is my meditation time of at least 20 minutes. If needed when I go deep within myself in meditation , I am “asking” for advice.

  1. I set the intention to send love and healing to that part of my body. And, I say ” I love you, thank  you for letting me know I need help!” Your intuition is MOST heightened during meditation.
  2. ASK. What does this pain mean? You fill in the blank. Then ask, “what can I do for this?”
  3. But, then SURRENDER it all to God. Enjoy your silent moments in high, healing vibrational energy. Let your body escape…maybe take it to a beach that day in your imagination!
  4. But don’t stop there. Go about your day with a smile and love for yourself and your body! Look in the mirror…say a kind word, NOTHING negative! Don’t be surprised if answers pop into your head at the oddest moments. Answers usually come sometime during that day in many forms! Listen and follow them.

When I was so sick, I received the message ~ learn yoga! My first thought was, “where did THAT come from?” I had never done any of it, now I’d never be without it. But I also heard very simple messages. Don’t be surprised if you get messages about food you are eating! The messages never stopped while I was on my healing path, but I had a very strong belief I was getting help!

If this is sounding confusing to you, I hope you will go back and read our blog entitled DEVELOP your Intuition on September 29. You can find it on the front page of

If you are struggling, it might also be helpful to go back to our book and re-read the practical HOW to section in our book in Chapter 9.

Be proactive for yourself and listen to your inner guidance and open yourself to new ideas! If you are REALLY sick, always find a doctor. BUT, any of our ideas can be used along with your physician’s treatment. Trust that you can accomplish a lot by yourself daily. And you can combine the following information to be proactive for yourself. Listen to your inner guidance and open yourself to new ideas.

Looking for a GREAT book? LOVE this one! Very happy Louise Hay wrote it before her recent death!

Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food – the Ultimate Diet


Coming NEXT – Building Your Immune System Through Energy Medicine


6 Comments on “Intuition for Optimal Health… YOU can do it!

  1. I like this trend in thinking and writing for action we can try. Yes I think maybe the answer to problems is always inside the soul. Keep talking!

    • Thank you Lynne. I am so blessed to know that our writing is making a difference in people’s lives. We ALL have problems in our lives and yes, an answer is always within our soul.It is there because that is where God is living right inside of us, ever changing because we are always in the process of change. Our biggest challenge is in how to get to a place where we “hear” what our soul is trying to tell us.LIFE just somehow keeps getting in the way! We are not living in a monastery where distractions are few. No wonder Monks STAY in them. But, for me, I’ve learned that is far better to put this into life in the REAL world. It so worthwhile when we really begin to understand!

    • Thank you Cyndi, you are one totally amazing person. I know what physical challenges you have and your positive thinking is an inspiration to all of us!

      • Thank you Heidi for your questions! These are very good ones and perhaps others are wondering the same thing. Yes, my intuition is very well developed, but it took me a very long time to KNOW that, except that if I follow through some amazing things usually happen. But even today, I still block intuition that comes to me at times, but not intentionally.I believe that happens out of unconscious fears, emotions stuck in our subconscious from previous experiences. It’s usually well after a lost opportunity when I realize what I did! Very human. But, when intuition is developed, we realize it is often our angel guides nudging us to do something important. They connect with our soul’s longings. I seem to know if it is a good thing.

        When you speak of negative thoughts that come in during meditation, that is not intuition, that’s coming from inner conflict of emotions due to our life experiences. We all have them buried inside of us even if we don’t believe they are there. Send love to heal that thought. Following our intuition is referring to the actions we take at the present moment that could enhance our soul’s journey. Your inner soul’s wisdom sometimes knows what is better for us and we resist it because it causes change. You asked “how do you tell the difference?” Your angel guides always act out of total love for you, they can’t be ANY other way, they are beings of LIGHT with God. God is total unconditional love.

        If you are hearing that you should do or say something that is NEGATIVE or hurtful, that’s NOT your soul talking!Be very wary. If it is something that will help you become more healthy spiritually, emotionally or physically, but it seems hard…well, life’s journey is hard. Be kind to yourself, take smalls steps and always react out of love! God is sending you only LOVE. I am sending only love through LIGHT. Terry

  2. This resonated deeply with me, as did BOTH the 9/15 and 9/29 posts! My first reaction to Terry’s post about following her intuition to be present for her friend’s passing, is WOW, Terry’s intuition is so well developed! She must have a special gift. Indeed, Terry’s intuition seems to be very fine tuned. Like a radio tuned to the right station. But looking back at my life, I’m reminded that I have experienced intuition like Terry’s. And I strongly agree that we ALL have this gift. I didn’t always know this.

    All my life I have received these messages, often followed by skeptical and protesting thoughts. It took me a long time to even recognize that I was experiencing intuition. For most of my life I would immediately talk myself out of paying any attention to it. Anyone who has tried to meditate has observed the incessant parade of thoughts, some of them so negative! So how do we reconcile that on the one hand, we must resist biting the bait of our negative thoughts, but on the other, always follow our intuition? Especially when it’s something we don’t want to hear? How do you tell the difference?

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