Good-bye Chaos…Hello LIFE!

Good-bye Chaos…Hello LIFE!
We are in a transition that happens every year between holidays and seasons. CHANGE is always inevitable, I know that concept very well. Fall is behind us and winter is transitioning into our existence. Temperatures are dropping and it seems like the sun has deserted us! After Thanksgiving, I realized I was OVER full… of good food of course, conversations, good times, busy times, and moments of sadness for various reasons. Perhaps you had a long drive like I had just before Thanksgiving or a plane ride full of waiting. Were you hoping to settle back into semi-normal? But of course media reminds us at every turn that Christmas is only a month away and we have so much to do. The news is always reminding us of the global chaos. The gratitude and thankfulness for my blessings were expressed over Thanksgiving and live deep in my heart…can I keep that forefront in my thinking?
I fell into that old part of myself that “remembers” the anxiety of being too busy as we put up our Christmas Tree. I had company arriving and there was my old habit of THINKING… all needs to be just perfect. All of the thoughts, emotions and feelings can sometimes pull us away from the gratitude and peace that this season is MEANT to help us enjoy during our every day lives.
CHAOS. I know I don’t need it! How about you?
As I sat during meditation during the early hours staring at the memory filled decorations on my Christmas Tree… I thought of Dr. Joe Dispenza who was so good at teaching me how to get over myself. I always LOVED the title of one of his early books called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. I went to my massive shelves full of books and finally found the book I read so many years ago. I thumbed through the pages and read the places where I had placed highlighting sticky tabs. It was good for me to read the short passages. The subtitle of the book grabbed my attention once again.
How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One…YES, I CAN lower the chaos!
I can do this. Perhaps you have identified with some of the chaos of my “over thinking”… using only my mind. Instead of engaging the WHOLE of me – mind, body, heart, and spirit…I had allowed old habitual thinking from my subconscious take over.
I decided perhaps I needed a “guided” meditation of some sort to push me back into the place where I KNOW I belong…in love with LIFE in whatever form, without chaos to cloud my thinking! I found a new 2023 meditation on You Tube that was put out by Dr. Joe Dispenza. He has SO MANY. For most days I don’t need the words. It was calm and peaceful and had words that “reminded” me how to pull myself OUT of my over thinking mind. I thought I would share it with you this week just in case you too needed something new and different during this time of holiday rush.
In this meditation Dr. Joe spends 2 1/2 minutes explaining what the Pineal Gland is, why we want to connect with it and how it works. He has other much longer explanation videos, but I found this two minute version a WONDERFUL quick re-cap of where it is in the body and why it is important. He reminds us of the connection with our third-eye as being our “spiritual antenna” when it is activated.
From my own understanding, I want to make sure you understand you can NEVER be disconnected from God. However, do we need a refresher on how once in awhile? I think as humans we are especially vulnerable if we do not already have an established meditation or daily spiritual practice. It’s important not to overthink ANY of your experience during meditation. It is only a steady BEAUTIFUL and LOVING experience when we simply “allow”.
Some of the concepts that he so artfully helped me remember certainly put a beautiful smile on my face, I hope you enjoy it as well.
- Breathing is so vitally important throughout
- You can drift in and out with a sense of overwhelming gratitude and peace
- As you achieve body, mind, and heart coherence you are at ONE with the Quantum Field
- Your thoughts, emotions and feelings “turn off genes” that signal disease
- You can heal yourself
- You can “visualize” your dream life
- You achieve more awareness of your surroundings, clarity of thought and heighten intuition
- Progress is gradual…simply ALLOW and LET GO!
You can click here to connect directly to YouTube for this meditation. For those of you that like to make sure you know how to search for it again, the exact title is: 40 Minute Pineal Gland Guided Meditation Third-Eye Activation/Joe Dispenza.
YES! I CAN say, “Good-bye chaos…HELLO LIFE!”
Welcome to WINTER at the Larkin Home!