The Frequency of LOVE

When we were very young, we learned the word love through the lens of a child’s mind.  It was likely the “I love you” as you were tucked in bed. Our emotions began to define the word love because a hug that went along…

Take TIME to Laugh!

TIME to LAUGH! This past weekend we all got to enjoy an extra hour of TIME. Or so we think… I don’t know about anyone else, but I certainly enjoyed that extra hour Sunday morning. I still woke up like “clockwork”, meaning I was…

Can Fear Be Our Friend?

Today I am heading back into the blog post from last week. We all have opened many spiritual pathways at various times in our lives. Each of us has a unique signature in the Universe, so our Spiritual Evolution is totally unique. In that…

Spiritual Evolution…Expand the JOURNEY

“Spirituality for me is recognizing that I am connected to the energy of all creation, that I am part of it and it is always a part of me.” ~Oprah  The Wisdom of Sundays Pg. 12 My life has taken me in some amazing directions…


Hay House Presents : HEAL Summit 2019 The Most Powerful Healer is Within You   We love to share events that can help us all live our life in the best possible spiritual, emotional and physical health! I am personally very excited about hearing…