The Wonder of Reconnective Healing

“People ask me if everyone has the ability to carry these frequencies and become a healer. My answer is, “Yes. Everyone can reach this level, but eyes are blind. It is only a few who dare to open their eyes…and often those who do…

Whispers for a Healer…turned to WOW!

Whispers from my soul began many years ago…and I kept “listening” to the messages of healing as I grew in consciousness. As so many of you know and realize, I have been attempting to put pieces of the healing puzzle together for 34 years…


“Go to the church within your heart, into the silence. It is here that you seek and it is here that you will find what has been waiting for you all along. The true yearning to find what you already have never dies, nor…

Our Spirit Nurtured by the WORLD

Our inner world that is spirit is constantly nurtured by the world around us! Quantam Physics today has expanded what is possible if we open our mind to endless possibilities! Our brain is often trapped into old beliefs and is affected not only by…


“We all know that something is eternal.  And it ain’t houses and it ain’t names, and it ain’t earth, and it ain’t even the stars – everybody knows in their bones that something is eternal, and that something has to do with human beings.”…


Happy Spring Everyone! Time to smile, laugh and celebrate the renewal of life! Today I’m “borrowing” the title of Brian Culbertson’s concert I went to recently here in Grand Rapids.  Brian is an old college friend of Scott Steiner, Marj’s son. The Steiner’s have…

Bonding With People Through Stories

What JOY Terry and I experienced last week as we met with a faith group of women to share our stories from our book The Light Gap: God’s Amazing Presence. Within the week, I met with another faith group for the same purpose. The…

A CALL From Your Soul!

I am hoping today you will go back and re-read Marj’s blog past from last week. There was so much to absorb, but so beautiful when we put it in our lives. She spoke of the two sides we all have, our human side…

Fruit of the Spirit

“Consciously choosing to trust God’s promises opens the door to fully experiencing the depth of God’s love, grace, and His very presence in the world.” ~Mary C. Neal, M.D. One of the famous promises God has made to us is that we can experience…

Intuition is a GIFT From Our Soul

“Coherence is a highly efficient state in which all of the body’s systems work together in harmony. Increasing personal coherence creates an alignment of mind, body, emotions, and spirit through the power of the heart. “ ~ July 14, 2017 Most of us…