Spiritual Revolution?

WOW…what a concept. What would it be like in our world if we were all participants in a Spiritual Revolution? Well, maybe we are in one right now! Using the word “Revolution” helps us realize that it’s an upheaval of some sort that could…

LAUGH Out Loud!

What are those laugh out loud moments you can remember in your life? This morning as I sat down to write, I thought about my spiritual beliefs. KNOWING I always have angels and guides to help me, I wondered if God or my angels…

Love Helps us FEEL Better!

LOVE Helps us FEEL Better! There are days when we simply feel energized and full of excitement for the upcoming day. Another day our body drags us down and our heart is filled with unwanted emotions such as sadness, worry or anxiety,  loneliness, or…


What does it REALLY mean to be FREE? With Memorial Day behind us, thoughts of my own “freedom” to BE ME came into my mind. I’m not actually sure when exactly I even felt that I COULD be ME. It was well into my…

Who or What IS God?

Who or What IS God?   I have to be totally honest right from the beginning of this post, I am VERY nervous about writing on this topic! God? Is He/She our Source, our Creator, LOVE, Divine Presence, or the Powerful Force that holds…

Let Our LOVE… Be Heard!

Let Our LOVE Be Heard! Deepak Chopra sometimes shares some very thought provoking words. Depending on where my own mind is flowing~they often “capture” a piece of my mind delivering thoughts of my own. “All of our experiences are transitory. Our bodies are transitory….

INNER Strength

When we use the word “strength” we think of our body. We know we need to maintain and strengthen our ability to move around with ease and vitality. When we lose some of that strength our energy for every day life diminishes at an…


So often in the morning during my quiet moments of going within some of my greatest thoughts begin…but usually they don’t END there. There is something about moving on with LIFE that stirs incredibly important insights. Have you had this experience? If I’ve read…

LIGHT of the World…

I’ve been totally “changed” through LIGHT ever since July 16, 1982. I’m speaking of the physical, spiritual, psychological, and emotional qualities that filter through my human self. And yet…I’m first and foremost a spiritual BEING having a human experience.  WHY is this so profound…

The Freedom of LOVE…

The Freedom of LOVE… Throughout the AGES man has tried to define the word love. We read about it in poems, stories, the Bible, and other sacred texts. We are living in our “human suit” at the moment, and so of course our human…