Heart & SOUL Healthy Last month we launched ourselves into a new year full of thoughts and intentions to LIVE in ways that bring us health, joy, contentment, and peace. Now we have changed the calendar month to February with glimpses of blue skies…
We BECOME…what we think about all day! Those words echo in my mind every time I have a thought about Dr. Wayne Dyer and all that he taught me over so many years. This is hardly a new topic, most spiritual teachers teach the…
LOVE and CONNECTION Sometimes my healing training through The RECONNECTION simply reminds me every day that ALL of us want and need to be OPEN to the idea that we ARE all connected…ALWAYS. Healing works in a field of energy that KNOWS we are…
I am not sure ANY of us really know or understand how we awaken to KNOWING. Last week we shared a movie for all of you to enjoy and we do hope you enjoyed the challenging information. We ALL hear the information shared…
The AWAKENING Mind What IS awakening? I have wrestled with this whole concept since 1982. My NDE began the search and each year of my life since that time I have been trying to piece together the puzzle that humanity has been trying to…
Celebrate YOUR Magnificence! When we live with intention…there are so many incredible moments to simply celebrate our magnificence! It is that unbelievable GIFT we are born with, lives within us, and sustains us in time of need. As we embrace the beauty of change…
AS awakening happens in our hearts, we find that we can simply enjoy having conversations with GOD in what ever FORM happens as we are listening at the moment! As soon as we are able to accept ourselves JUST exactly as we ARE, in…
Life provides us with every opportunity we could possibly want. Earlier in my adult life, it was always in the DOING that I felt fulfilled. Now I know it is in the BEING that I thrive. And yet…how can I maintain balance? What happens…
FOLLOW…Intuition Awakening is a term used for so many people to help quantify their spiritual growth process. We are ALL in such different places on our journey. I think that is for a very important reason! I believe it is so we can “connect”…
Somehow in my young adult life I always thought of BEING content as a place I was striving to “get” through hard work or achievement with that reward of accomplishment. In other words, someday I’d be content with my day, that week, this month,…