Did you KNOW your HEART Has Intelligence?

…the “Little Brain in the Heart”  “In 1991, ….A team of scientists, led by Dr. J. Andrew Armour of the University of Montreal, discovered that about 40,000 specialized neurons, called sensory neurites, form a communication network within the heart itself…what makes this discovery so…

We are ALL Connected through God’s LOVE

“The vibrations of love are so high we can spread love to others around us, and that has been proven scientifically. We live for LIFE. Our hope is that you can see we do not wait for  death to experience ultimate love.”  Page 213…

Nature Shows Us the Way

  “You and me, all of us, are awakening through God’s embedded presence to find love and peace instead of fear and hatred.  Know you have the power within you to connect to God’s divine nature,  bringing miracles into everyday existence.  Many mystical, God-realized…

WAKE UP! …To Your Greatness!

“It is going to be an awesome day! I am a GREAT person full of love!” How do you wake up in the morning? We certainly don’t always wake up to a sunrise as beautiful and amazing as I experienced when I was visiting…

It’s in Every One of Us

“…human beings have within them the birthright of capacities for knowing and participating in a much larger and deeper Reality.” Jean Houston in the Preface of Godseed. I woke up today with the song in my head, “It is in every one of us…

WGN RADIO Interview… Finding Purpose and Direction

What happens when we wake up and realize our purpose in life was not our profession? Being absorbed into LIGHT during my NDE, the greatest learning was of God’s unconditional love! We are all “connected” through God’s love to guide us as we grow…

Finding the Path to Life After Loss

“I was learning that God works in the most amazing ways.  I was being told, ‘I am with you always…and at all times.’ I was finding out that things were happening that I had once thought impossible.” Marjorie Steiner, Terry Larkin, The Light Gap:…

From Pain and Anxiety to Health and Energy

“What if we can create health in our bodies?” During my Near-Death Experience I had absorbed amazing unconditional love along with a message about self-healing. I gained tremendous knowledge meeting shamans in the Amazon, High Andes of Peru, Costa Rica and Kenya. I was…

Spiritual Growth in a Different Era

“When we came into this life, we might have chosen to come into the same family.” A polish Christmas one year. Marj and Terry are the ones kneeling in what looks like meditation. In our neighborhood, each house was a different country and we visited…

One Way to Write a Book

 Sometimes there is a little voice urging you on.  You can ignore it, but it keeps coming back.  Our book came out of such a voice getting louder and more persistent.  Terry had buried her near-death experience for years, until she found that the…