Protecting Our Energy Field

Protecting ourselves is a human instinct. The  brain provides for the fight or flight response that was so needed back when men lived in caves and needed protection from wildlife. The human species has been evolving as part of the animal kingdom. Scientists study…

Healing is OPENING a Door… LIFE moves in!

It’s time for me to share Reconnective Healing in a totally awesome way! I want to make sure that all of you understand that healing is not just about  the physical symptoms our body is demonstrating that we desperately want to change.  Our mind…

CALM to Chaos

I’m happy to say hello from a beautiful, warm, and “love” nurturing location in Venice, Florida. I have been enjoying wonderful sunrises each morning as I do my yoga and meditations outside. It is such a blessing. I am so grateful to the owners…

Realizing Your Power

  POWER If someone says you have more POWER than you ever realized, what thought or image comes to you? This is a tricky word in a lot of ways. For most of us, we most likely think of our political leaders in the…

Dreaming in the FLOW of LIFE

Last night I was again dreaming a repetitive dream!  This morning I call it The Flow of Life.  It had a visual pattern to it…like a lava lamp.  Those of us who are older can remember lava lamps.  First in the dream there was…

Are YOU Heart Strong?

How is your heart health? Do you feel strong? Do you WORRY or stress, wondering if your heart is strong enough to keep your quality of life? Do you ever consider that your spiritual life through consciousness is intricately woven through your heart? Here’s…

Gratitude Activates the Heart

“Gratitude brings your heart in alignment with the head!”~ Dali Lama   Most of us try to keep our hearts thankful every day, but it’s not always easy. Do you ever find yourself frustrated because you keep thinking about  a hurtful situation or a…

The Light GAP Expands: VIDEO BLOG

  The Light GAP is expanding for Terry Larkin and Marjorie Steiner! Come enjoy hearing our voices as we spoke to an audience at the Unity Church in Grand Rapids on Monday, January 22, 2019! The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence was written as…

YOU are a Miracle of LOVE!

YOU are a Miracle of LOVE! Good MORNING sunshine, good NIGHT moon and stars ~ You were created in  pure love just like me! And yet I couldn’t see any of you this morning…just gray skies. But, then I remembered that the sun, moon…

Real Magic

Once I had my Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE), it took time, but I became more aware of out-of-the-ordinary experiences as gifts.  I was broken open.  Suffering brought new understanding and taught me compassion for myself and others. I can feel the high energy that is…