New Beginnings

“To be or not to be, that is the question.”  ~William Shakespeare I have been giving a lot of thought lately about how to get away from my constant thought that I always need a “to do” list. There is a piece of my…

Follow your HEART

“I had experienced the full healing power of unconditional love when my brain inexplicably healed following my coma, but bringing the full power of that love into daily existence proved challenging.” ~Eben Alexander, MD Neurosurgeon Author of Proof of Heaven, Map of Heaven, Living…

Follow Your Instincts!

A WEB of connection is very deeply rooted in our soul. It’s that beautiful thought that keeps rising out from a place of remembrance. It’s a place we can’t quite “grasp” when or why, but we KNOW! Our instinct takes us there, but it’s…

WISDOM of the Body!

It is amazing what hitting the PAUSE button in our lives can do to change our prospective. Not very long ago we got into December enjoying all of the holiday gatherings, programs, practices, shopping trips, wrapping, and decorating. We felt exhausted just thinking about…

The Wonder of it ALL!

This past week, I decided to put myself into that place that can be so beautiful…a place of WONDER. It’s not a place that I’ve let myself go lately. In meditation I more often try to clear my mind…and let thoughts drift rather than…


Today as I write, the many faces of spring are making themselves known.  Spring has that reputation of constant change.  Sun with beautiful daffodils in the back yard one minute, then snow so fine that the camera cannot pick it up.  More sunshine and…

Deep Soul Connection

“When we realize that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, our current circumstances can be viewed through our internal lens. Connecting with your soul in daily meditation and prayer brings the compassion, peace, and hope that lives in us all! Hope is…

Keep HOPE Alive!

Keep HOPE Alive and TURN UP the Joy! I have to share some JOY  with all of you! Last week I listened to Suzanne Giesemann give a talk about the current Covid 19 Pandemic. She is such a delight to hear speak. She said…

Emotional Health…in Trying Times

Emotional Health Each week we are dealing with changes that have been thrown our way…like it or NOT! I am guessing that most of you are realizing that just about every human emotion there is has surfaced inside of your body one way or…

Challenging Decisions

How are all of you feeling? YES, here I am still in Florida, not flying the friendly skies to Texas like I thought I would be doing this week! So…I thought I would share the love with all of you instead! I have decided…