Connected in ONENESS

ONENESS is still a very difficult concept for any of us to embrace. I am hearing new ideas. I wrote a post on ONENESS Awareness awhile back and  almost two years ago another called CONNECTIONS.  I now believe these two concepts are completely intertwined….

Trust What IS

There are times in our lives that we can find peace within by simply trusting what IS. I have understood this concept for a long time.  Yet, allowing myself to Just BE in trust…is an ongoing learning process for all of us living in…

Nature’s LAUGH

This morning  I was out on my porch meditating, or should I say getting DISTRACTED.  I had a REALLY good laugh. The experience  lifted my spirits so much I thought I needed to share the story with you.  There has been a  Great Blue…

Building HOPE

Oh the CHOICES we make in life can be challenging. I am building HOPE in my own world that is full of changes that can sometimes keep me from the JOY we were talking about in last weeks post!  I went for a slow…

Choose JOY!

Do you sometimes find yourself choosing obsessive worry or blame? Do you find yourself choosing the pain of suffering because it just seems to be the place your body wants to take you? Never in my life have I been more convinced that we…

Heavenly GIFT

As you all know, I have been traveling in Europe for over two weeks. I needed to follow some of my OWN advice I always give to people about focused ATTENTION. While we were on our River Boat cruising along the Danube, I was…

The GIFT of Light!

Last week I opened a door…or shall we say  window that created an opportunity for the LIGHT of you to shine! For many people the concept of LIGHT as an energy flow in our Universe is difficult to grasp. We hear people say, “it…


LOVE starts with SELF LOVE!  It is so interesting to realize that almost every person I meet who is reaching some of the “golden” years of aging is in a place of WONDER about life. That is a GOOD thing! Unfortunately, we are often…

The Little Things

The Little Things Peace can and does open very simply. Our lives try very hard to complicate the concept. We live in a world that tries to put us into competition with other people, and yet in reality there is no NEED for competition….

GLOBAL Picture

When we travel and meet people that live on the other side of the globe…we are so in touch with a real truth we can all embrace. We are ALL alike! Everyone of us on this planet care about our families, we want to…