Meditation ~ Empty the Mind

“The Secret to manifestation is to imagine that what you desire has already happened.” Dr. Joe Dispenza I am visualizing beautiful energy and a life full of love and motivation to keep smiling! I see every day as an opportunity to bring meaning into…

Discover Inner Listening

Discovery is the key to making Meditation your very own. We are all such amazing, gifted, talented and interconnected human beings.  Yet EACH of us has our own spiritual signature in the Universe connecting our bodies and soul to our source which is God….

Create Your NEW 2020 Self!

The world and our life in it is an ever changing process! Quantum Physicists and neuroscientists  are sharing new and exciting discoveries that will eventually shift thinking in the hearts of our physicians and filter down slowly to the masses. A friend asked me…

Healthy MIND…Healthy Life

Your happiest  NEW YEAR EVER ~ 2020! I hope you are ready to make this year the most spectacular year yet in your life! People always ask me if I have some “New Year’s Resolutions.” January just seems to be that kind of month….

Breath of Life

Breath of Life …we come into our life as a tiny baby launched into taking that first breath. As we leave this temporary body… we take that last Breath of Life! Baby Jesus did the same long ago. Every human being that has ever…

LIGHT is a Reflection

   “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” ~ Edith Wharton  We are all heading into that beautiful holiday season that is full of beautiful moments, emotional remembrances, new encounters with “old” family and…

Living Life ON PURPOSE

“Good morning my lovely world! Today is going to be a fabulous day and I plan to be present in every moment.” As I climbed out of bed this morning, my thoughts generally search to see if I remember dreaming anything, and if so…do…

The Frequency of LOVE

When we were very young, we learned the word love through the lens of a child’s mind.  It was likely the “I love you” as you were tucked in bed. Our emotions began to define the word love because a hug that went along…

Take TIME to Laugh!

TIME to LAUGH! This past weekend we all got to enjoy an extra hour of TIME. Or so we think… I don’t know about anyone else, but I certainly enjoyed that extra hour Sunday morning. I still woke up like “clockwork”, meaning I was…

Can Fear Be Our Friend?

Today I am heading back into the blog post from last week. We all have opened many spiritual pathways at various times in our lives. Each of us has a unique signature in the Universe, so our Spiritual Evolution is totally unique. In that…