Guiding LIGHT

Both Marj and I have always been in awe of how LIGHT guided us during moments we were least expecting it. My Near-Death Experience of pure light and love provided a beacon of light for me to continue enjoying the nectar of experiences in…


What are your feelings about SIGNS that seem to be arriving in miraculous or mysterious ways? I took a picture of THIS funny sign that was on the road to a Dam that was built MANY years ago to regulate the overflow from Eagle…


BE the CHANGE…in and for myself! YOU can be the change in you, for yourself. It is so very important for each and every one of us to BE the change…that is simply just right for us. We’ve been led to believe if we…


Our INNER Being On our spiritual journeys, we talk about our souls or spirit. But, do we stop to think about what or WHERE our soul is at any given moment? In my human body here in this life, I know that there are…

Cultivating LOVE…through Wisdom!

“Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life.” ~ Maya Angelow Cultivating LOVE is somehow more complicated than we wish. LIFE is ever changing, winding us through the joy that too often is threaded through…

The EXPERIENCE…of Healing

Healing is very complex!  Our human body is also VERY complex. Our understanding of how and why we are in such an amazing piece of machinery to house our soul is fascinating. In almost all webinars and articles on DEATH and DYING…the discussion invariably…

LOVE …the POWER of Asking!

I hope you enjoyed last weeks blog post called LOVE Matters. If you missed it for any reason you can click here and go back and read it if you would like! I ended the post with this poem written by Deepak Chopra. Now…

LOVE Matters

Love not only MATTERS…LOVE is our stronghold through every kind of storm and every celebration in life! We’ve written many blog posts about LOVE and why it is so important in our lives. Whenever we try to “define” love…we fall short, because we are…

The Power of Beauty

The POWER of BEAUTY… I AM LOVE…and so are you. I AM the Light of the World…and so are you. So where does the power come from? POWER…what does that word mean to you? Unfortunately for me it conjures up people trying to control…

LETTING GO… Surender Attachment!

Do you ever suspect that you are “attached” to a particular OUTCOME? Do you have dreams and wishes that you feel you should be able to manifest, and yet cannot seem to do it? Oh, this can be a really slippery slope here. We…