Cultivating LOVE…through Wisdom!

“Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life.” ~ Maya Angelow Cultivating LOVE is somehow more complicated than we wish. LIFE is ever changing, winding us through the joy that too often is threaded through…

Follow your INSTINCT…

Good Friday Morning to ALL! In last week’s blog post, I was talking about how much nature models LIFE for us. Following our INSTINCTS is probably as close to nature’s model as we can get! We talk about our intuition that seems to simply…


Our senses are alive with the blooming flowers and trees around us. Our hearts our blooming when we are AWARE of our inner beauty and self love. LOVE is blooming in our lives when our awareness of its incredible power gives us a boost…

Let it BE…

Let it be, let it be Let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom Let it BE… Many of you know the Beetles Song, Let It Be. There are many beautiful verses. As I was sitting out on my deck the other…


I pulled the blogpost I had written for today. Instead I felt I wanted to simply write words that are sitting in my very heavy heart. The “ache” is real!  This is  how our Universe operates. When there are people that are suffering or…

Play, play, PLAY!

Let’s PLAY today…let’s play with our joy and laughter !  Last week I wrote about choices…the choice of listening for thoughts, words, and beliefs that are threading through our thinking brain all the time. I shared about the JOY and LOVE that move into our…

MOMENTS of Choice…

MOMENTS of Choice… …the choice of thoughts …the choice of words …the  choice of belief ….the choice to ponder the realities of our world We have choices every moment of every day. I believe we forget to choose sometimes!  It’s pretty easy to simply…

The EXPERIENCE…of Healing

Healing is very complex!  Our human body is also VERY complex. Our understanding of how and why we are in such an amazing piece of machinery to house our soul is fascinating. In almost all webinars and articles on DEATH and DYING…the discussion invariably…

LOVE …the POWER of Asking!

I hope you enjoyed last weeks blog post called LOVE Matters. If you missed it for any reason you can click here and go back and read it if you would like! I ended the post with this poem written by Deepak Chopra. Now…

LOVE Matters

Love not only MATTERS…LOVE is our stronghold through every kind of storm and every celebration in life! We’ve written many blog posts about LOVE and why it is so important in our lives. Whenever we try to “define” love…we fall short, because we are…