Nature’s LAUGH

This morning  I was out on my porch meditating, or should I say getting DISTRACTED.  I had a REALLY good laugh. The experience  lifted my spirits so much I thought I needed to share the story with you.  There has been a  Great Blue…


Creativity is one of our most precious assets! As an adult we admire all of the artists, musicians, scientists or authors for their amazing creative abilities. We feel, see, hear, or experience the beauty and it makes us feel really good inside. So, we…


Happy Beginning of MAY to each and every DIVINE Spirit Being among us! What a DELIGHT it is to know you. And you know what is most incredible? ALL OF US  are Divine Spirit Beings! I’m continually in awe of God’s Amazing creation of human…

Spiritual WALK

Labyrinths exist in every corner of planet earth. Today I was totally surprised to look out my sunporch window and find this Labyrinth by a house just across a small corner on our lake! Immediately I thought… WOW! I saw the group of neighborhood…

Our MEMORIES ~ Video Post

In spiritual circles it is very common to hear a lot of discussion about staying in the present moment and not reliving the past. Most of the time the discussion evolves around people who are reliving old memories with regret or guilt.  I think…

Spreading JOY

Spreading JOY “SMILE from head to toe!”  JOY and PEACE are such  beautiful thoughts as we proceed further into what many might say is their most difficult holiday season they have ever experienced! And yet we still use the same expression and in song…JOY…

THANKFUL Love Notes!

We are THANKFUL for YOU! THANKFUL LOVE NOTE ~ We can feel LOVE in the air today, even with many of us having to alter or cancel plans with loved ones. It is the same with us. We have so much love in our…

Eternal LOVE

ETERNAL LOVE In our daily lives we use the word love so often that in some ways I have a feeling it is losing it’s meaning! In my own life for most of my young life, I never gave the meaning all that much…

WISDOM of the Body!

It is amazing what hitting the PAUSE button in our lives can do to change our prospective. Not very long ago we got into December enjoying all of the holiday gatherings, programs, practices, shopping trips, wrapping, and decorating. We felt exhausted just thinking about…

Deep Soul Connection

“When we realize that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, our current circumstances can be viewed through our internal lens. Connecting with your soul in daily meditation and prayer brings the compassion, peace, and hope that lives in us all! Hope is…