A WALK in Nature

The NATURE of Thought I am sharing my walk down a path that I took a few days ago. OR maybe it was a lifetime ago and I was with Marj…we cannot measure it by time or space. The beauty in color and nature…

Treasure Beyond Wealth

My treasure is to be in touch with the miracle of BEING ALIVE! The summer kept me pretty busy a lot of the time. I hardly ever missed a day of my morning routine of yoga, meditation and spiritual reading. I was focussed closely…

Could LIFE be an ILLUSION?

“The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”~ Albert Einstein What is the context of this quote? Paraphrasing: There are two forms of time: Time as we understand it scientifically Time as we understand it as human beings…

Opportunity for YOU!

As I begin this post I realize that for every one of us…we are in a different place in our lives. What is so awesome, is that it is perfect! It is perfect for me, for YOU, for your family, for your friends and…

Savor the Sweetness…RECEIVE!

We make choices every single day that become the basis for our daily living. There is a place in our lives when we realize that the messages we received as a child were possibly totally misunderstood. There is a phrase in the Bible as…

Take a Breath…

TAKE a BREATH… Literally….take that deep breath! Make it a HAPPY smiling breath as often as you hear disturbing news about the spread of THE virus! Our country is not used to such difficult times as we are hearing all around us about the…

The Mysterious Soul

We are three-part beings with a body, a mind, and a soul.  The body is our vessel.  It is used putting our thoughts into action.  Our mind thinks, learns, creates – it is our greatest creative tool we have.  The soul?  We cannot live…

Emmanuel God With Us

In July I received an email from Geoff, our associate director of worship at our wonderful church, Winnetka Presbyterian Church.  “We are already thinking about Advent here at WPC during these hot July days! One of our hopes for Advent 2019 is that our…

WEB of Perfection

The WEB…what a gorgeous representation of beauty. We’ve included web photos in our blogs in the past because they visually represent and show beautifully how connected we are as humans living this lifetime here on Earth. The human web most likely has some serious…

Are YOU Heart Strong?

How is your heart health? Do you feel strong? Do you WORRY or stress, wondering if your heart is strong enough to keep your quality of life? Do you ever consider that your spiritual life through consciousness is intricately woven through your heart? Here’s…